Home » Volumes » Volume 11 September/Octuber 1977 » Abreugrafia contrastada para estudo epidemiológico da esofagopatia chagasica*

Abreugrafia contrastada para estudo epidemiológico da esofagopatia chagasica*

J. Romeu CançadoI; Carlos Alberto F. FariaII; Cid Sergio FerreiraIII

IApresentado ao XIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, em 1 de março de 1977, Brasília, D.F. IIProfessor titular do Departamento de Clínica Médica da Faculdade de Medicina da U.F.M.G. IIIProfessores assistentes do Departamento de Clínica Médica da Faculdade de Medicinada U.F.M.G.

DOI: 10.1590/S0037-86821977000500002


Os autores apresentam o estudo radiográfico (abreugrafia contrastada para estudo de esofagopatia chagásica) em 1314 pacientes, com 1307 normais, 188 duvidosos e 12 (0,9%) apresentando megaesôfago.


Roentgenphotography 70 mm in size, with contrast medium has proved to be a very practical method for mass examination of the esophagus, as the Authors have shown in a Roentgenphography Service, of great movement (36.206 patients in 1 year), in Belo Horizonte, M.G., Brasil. The time of execution of each examination has been prolonged about two minutes, as compared to the conventional method. The operational cost was about one third of conventional retention test, which uses fluoroscopy and 24×30 cm films.
Normal cases, and those with clear retention of contrast medium, usually do not present difficulty in interpretation and offer credible results. However, a minority of cases, which the Authors called doubtful, need better study. Among 1.314 examined patients, 1.307 (84,8%) were normal, 188 (14,3%) were doubtful and 12 (0,9%) were classified as megaesophagus.
The roentgenphotography in lateral position proved to be more advantageous than the anterior oblique position.
Further studies are needed, in order to get better evaluation of doubtful cases.
The method was shown to be practical for epidemiologic study of the esophagopathy of Chagas’ disease and the Aurthors suggest its realization on other regions and health centers of endemic areas.



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1. Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (Brasil). Epidemiologia da Doença de Chagas. Me-todologia Estudos Longitudinais. Relatório Técnico No 1 (um grupo de colabora dores), 1974.         [ Links ]

2. LAUAR, K.M.; OLIVEIRA, A.R. & REZENDE, J.M. – Valor do tempo de esvaziamento esofagiano no diagnóstico da esofagopatia chagásica (Prova de Retenção). Rev. Goiana de Med., 5:97-102, 1959.         [ Links ]



Recebido para publicação em 29.4.77.



* Trabalho realizado no Departamento de Clínica Médica da Faculdade de Medicina da U.F.M.G. com ajuda do CNPq (SIP/08-048).