Home » Volumes » Volume 7 March/April 1973 » Examination of mycological samples by means of the scanning electron microscope

Examination of mycological samples by means of the scanning electron microscope

M. Thibaut; M. Ansel

Laboratoire de Parasitologie, 15 rue de VEcole de Médecine, 75 - Paris, VI, France

DOI: 10.1590/S0037-86821973000200003


Three species of Siphomycetes: Rhizopus arhizus, Rhizopus equinus and Rhizopus nigricans, as well as a Septomycete: Emericella nidulans, have been examined by means of a scanning electron microscope. Among the difjerent Rhizopus, this technique showed differences in the appearance of the sporangia. In Emericella nidulans, scanning microscopy enábled one to ascertain that the “Hull cells” were completely hollow and also demonstrated the ornemented aspect of the ascospores.


Três espécies de Sifomicetas: Rhizopus arhizus, Rhizopus equinus, Rhizopus nigricans e um Septomiceta:Emericella nidulans foram examinados em microscopia de exploração. Esta técnica mostrou detalhes não evidenciáveis ao poder de resolução do microscópio óptico, demonstrando ser útil para o diagnóstico em micologia.



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Submitted to publication on 20.11.1972.