Home » Volumes » Volume 8 September/Octuber 1974 » Storage of organochlorine inseticides in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis

Storage of organochlorine inseticides in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis

M. WassermannI; A. Prata II; L. Tomatis III; Dora WassermannI; I. IvrianiI; Vanete OliveiraII

I Department of Oceupatlonal Health, The Hebrew University-Hadassah, Medicai School, Jerusalem, Israel II Clinic for Tropical and Infectious Diseases, Unlverslty of Bahia, Bahia, Brasil III International Ageney for Research on Cancer, WHO. Lyon, France

DOI: 10.1590/S0037-86821974000500003


This paper reports on the findings of a survey on OCI storage in people in Bahia, Brasil. In this survey 11 samples of adipose tissue were taken from people who underwent splenectomy for hepato splenic schistosomiasis. In these patients, total DDT averaged 10.66 ppm as compared to 4,83 ppm of total DDT found in presumably healthy people. The difference was statistically significant. It is considered that the increased DDT storage in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiass may be the result of a reduced metabolzation of p,p’-DDT and reduced excretion of its metabolites. Another possíbility is the increased exposure to organochlorine nsectedes by hepatosplenc patients who frequently come from irrigation zones, where these compounds are more used in intensive cultivatíon.


Determinou-se a quantidade de compostos organo-clorados no tecido adiposo de onze esquistossomóticos hepatosplenicos e de 20 outros doentes. O material foi colhido durante ato cirúrgico. A quantidade de DDT foi, em média, 10,66ppm nos hepatosplenicos, 4,83ppm em pacientes submetidos a herniorrafia ou laparotomia e 5,67ppm em doentes operados por apresentar doenças neoplasicas ou inflamatórias. A diferença tem significação estatística. O aumento de depósito de DDT nos hepatosplenicos poderia ser devido a redução na metabolização de p,p’-DDT e na excreção de seus metabolitos ou a maior exposição a inseticidas organo-clorados. Presume-se que os hepatosplenicos venham habitualmente de zonas de irrigação, onde o consumo de inseticidas na agricultura seja maior.



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Submltted to publicatlon on 9-2-1974.