All manuscripts to be considered for publication in Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical/Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine should be submitted in electronic form via the online submission system (http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rsbmt-scielo).
Journal’s review policy (workflow):
- All manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal are initially evaluated by the journal’s administrative staff to ensure that the text complies with the journal’s rules. The period for rules adjustments by authors will be 30 days. After that, the manuscript will be withdrawn.
- Manuscripts that meet the standards of the journal are evaluated by the Editor, Associate Editors, or Section Editors to determine whether they fit into the scope and editorial policy of the journal. Subsequently, the administrative staff sends these manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief.
- The Editor-in-Chief (or Associate/Section Editors) assigns the manuscript to the reviewers.
- Each submitted manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers in a double-blinded manner, and a statistical reviewer for evaluation and generation of a reasoned report (peer-review system), which is used by the editors to decide whether to accept the manuscript or not. In case of difference of opinion among the reviewers, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer to help reach a final decision by the journal’s editorial board.
- Reviewer comments (free form review) are forwarded to the corresponding author to address the queries raised by the reviewers. The period for reviewer’s suggestions adjustments by the authors will be 60 days. After that, the manuscript will be withdrawn.
- The authors must respond to the queries, point by point, of each reviewer, highlighted with a different color in the text and return a revised version of the manuscript in accordance with the journal’s guidelines. The revised version is sent back to the reviewers, who provide a final and reasoned report on the manuscript.
- Reviewers’ scores of the manuscript and the authors’ responses are analyzed by the Editor, Associate Editors, or Section Editors.
- The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the manuscript for publication.
- The final editorial decision is sent to the authors.
- After this step, the editing process is initiated. The accepted manuscripts are checked in the iThenticate – Crossref Similarity Check (anti-plagiarism tool) to verify its originality and then are sent for English editing and proper review.
- The English review results and edited document are sent to the authors for analysis. The authors must state whether they accept the edited version.
- Next, the layout process begins. The journal will communicate closely with the corresponding author regarding figures, tables, photographs, maps, illustrations, and the article’s general format.
- Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest or financial support and must provide a signed copyright assignment form.
- Proofs are sent to the corresponding author to be checked, along with all co-authors for typesetting accuracy.
The final version of each manuscript will be available in 100% open access at www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_issues&pid=0037-8682&lng=en&nrm=iso