Home » Volumes » Volume 11 September/Octuber 1977 » The liver in secondary syphilis clinical, laboratory and histopathological investigation of 22 patients without jaundice*

The liver in secondary syphilis clinical, laboratory and histopathological investigation of 22 patients without jaundice*

H.C. Hercules; R. Figliuolo; S. Figliuolo

DOI: 10.1590/S0037-86821977000500004


22 patients with a history of syphilitic contact, skin lesions and positive serology were evaluated by physical examination, tiver function tests and líver biopsy for evidence of hepatic lesions secondary to treponema infection. Only minimal evidences of hepatic damage were revealed by clinical examination and liver function tests. On biopsy 21 cases of NSRH were noted with one case of gramioma formation. No spirochaetes were found, so these findings could not be attributed to a direct action of the treponema.



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Submitted to publication on June, 1977.



* Hospital Escola São Francisco de Assis, Departaments of Pathology and Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University at Rio de Janeiro, Correspondence to Dr. H.C. Hercules, Laboratório de Patologia, Hospital Universitário, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro.