Ivone R. SuassunaI; I. Suassuna; C. E. de V. Serpa
IChefe de Pesquisa do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas
Em face à predominante eliminação biliar da rifamicina S.V. atingindo concentrações muitas vêzes superiores aos níveis séricos obtidos com as doses terapêuticas, e pelo possível interêsse dessa verificação para o tratamento dos portadores biliares crônicos de Salmonella typhi determinou-se a concentração mínima inibitória de 165 estirpes de enterobactérias, incluindo 77 amostras de S. typhi.
Foi verificado que a maioria das cepas de Escherichia coli, Shigella e Proteus mirabilis correspondiam a uma concentração inibitória mínima entre 33 a 65 μg/ml. Entre 65 e 128 μg/ml foram determinadas as concetrações inibitórias mínimas da maioria das outras espécies de Proteus, de Providencia e de Klebsiella. Para Salmonella e Enterobacter o limite mínino de sensibilidade foi, em regra, igual ou superior a 128 μg/ml.
Diferenças mais acentuadas de comportamento entre as enterobactérias foram observadas quanto à ação bactericida da rifamicidas S.V. De uma maneira geral, para E. coli e Shigella, as concentrações inibitórias mínimas já referidas. Para as espécies de Proteus e Providencia houve variação maior de comportamento, mas tendência a que o efeito bactericidas fôsse encontrado em concentrações que correspondiam a 4 vêzes as bacteriostáticas para as mesmas espécies. Finalmente, de modo pouco feliz para os propósitos visados, em Salmonella, com a inclusão de S. typhi, não foi atingido um efeito bactericida, com as mais altas concentrações usadas as quais corresponderam em média a 6 vêzes as concentrações bacteriostáticas para esse gênero.
From the initial investigations on the antibacterial spectrum of rifomycin S.V it was found that, contrary to the high sensitivity of the gram-positive bacteria, most gram-negative rods were relatively resistant to this antibiotic. Nevertheles rifomycin concentrations which inhibited the majority of the biliary tract of man and experimental animals, as rifomycin is concentrated and eliminated through the bile.
These facts suggested the need of defining the bacteriostatic and bactericidal levels of rifomycin S.V., against pathogenic gram-negative enteric organisms, because of the importance of the Salmonella carriers and the unsolved problems of their treatment – and since some divergence were found in the few available reports on their sensitivity to rifomycin.
Seventy seven strains of Salmonella typhi, and 88 other strains which included representative straign of most groups among the Enterobacteriaceae, were tested. The serial dilution technique in a tryptose- phosphate-glucose- broth was adopted. Most the Escherichia coli, Shigella and Proteus mirabilis cultures were inhibited within the range of 33-65 μg/ml of rifamycin S.V. whereas the mean concentrations for inhibition of most strains of other groups of enteric bacteria including the remaining species of Proteus, Klebsiella and Providencia cultures varied between 65 and 128 μg/ml of rifomycin. For Salmonella and Enterobacter in most cases the minimal inhibitory concentration was 128 μg/ml. More striking differences among the tested bacterial groups were found as related to the bactericidal action of rifomycin S.V. For Shigella and E. coli strains the bacteriostatic and bactericidal concentrations of rifomycin S.V. closely paralleled each other. As to the four Proteus species and Providencia strains, in spite of some variability in most instances the bactericidal concentrations was four times greater than the minimal inhibitory one. Finally, and unfortunately for the above mentioned purposes, in relation to Salmonella (S. typhi included) when given a 6 times large concentraction than the already high minimal inhibitory concentrations observed, such a concentration did not kill the strains tested.
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*Departamento de Microbiologia Médica, Instituto de Microbiologia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.